Monday Motivation – B’s Not A’s in Flower Mound


Chiropractic Flower Mound TX Bs Not As

Another year is wrapping up.  At this point in our life our minds tend to flick back to the now spent year and we evaluate how we did.  Did we meet our goals financially? Did we lose the weight we wanted to? Did we get married or graduate?  These are common questions I have asked hundreds of times to patient in my practice.  To some patient I ask them more personal questions such as:  Have you loved your family enough?  Have you served someone else in need this year? Have you freely given of your time and talents to those around you?  Have to lifted those who are depressed or sad?  Many of these questions I ask myself.  What legacy do I want to leave with my children?  A legacy of hard work and no play?  A legacy of love and friendship?  A legacy of money or debt? Read this article for more motivation from your local Flower Mound chiropractor.

Motivational Words in Flower Mound

Gordon B Hinckley spoke to thousands of young men and young women in a November of 2000 conference.  His message impacted the world.  Since then thousands of people have quoted his words, let me add to the statistic and add my voice to his to make it louder.   I wish to talk about each of these attitudes during the next 2 months.

Be grateful.
Be smart.
Be clean.
Be true.
Be humble.
Be prayerful.

Gordon B. Hinckley said:

“Be grateful. There are two little words in the English language that perhaps mean more than all others. They are “thank you.” Comparable words are found in every other language, such as gracias, merci, danke, obrigado, domo.

The habit of saying thank you is the mark of an educated man or woman. With whom is the Lord displeased? He names “those who confess not his hand in all things”. That is, those who walk without grateful expression. Walk with gratitude in your hearts, my dear friends. Be thankful for the wonderful blessings which are yours. Be grateful for the tremendous opportunities that you have. Be thankful to your parents, who care so very much about you and who have worked so very hard to provide for you. Let them know that you are grateful. Say thank you to your mother and your father. Say thank you to your friends. Say thank you to your teachers. Express appreciation to everyone who does you a favor or assists you in any way.

Thank the Lord for His goodness to you. Thank the Almighty for His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who has done for you what none other in all this world could do. Thank Him for His great example, for His tremendous teachings, for His outreaching hand to lift and help. Think about the meaning of His Atonement. Read about Him and read His words in the New Testament and in 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon. Read them quietly to yourself and then ponder them. Pour out your heart to your Father in Heaven in gratitude for the gift of His Beloved Son.

Thank the Lord for His marvelous Church restored in this great season of history. Thank Him for all that it offers you. Thank Him for friends and loved ones, for parents and brothers and sisters, for family. Let a spirit of thanksgiving guide and bless your days and nights. Work at it. You will find it will yield wonderful results.”

I find that gratitude is greatly lacking in this world.  Let’s make this season of giving and season of gratitude.  For this entire week I challenge you to say thank you to those around you.  Express genuine gratitude for your co-workers, employer, spouse, friend, and yes even those that don’t treat us like we want them too.  Brighten their day by sharing a little of your love with them.

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Flower Mound Disc and Spine

3370 Long Prairie Rd Suite 500
Flower Mound, TX 75022

(972) 539-4600